Alivia is so many things in just 5 years. She is very smart, she is friendly to everyone, She loves animals, she loves to dance and sing (as long as no one is watching). She is the best big sister any little brother could ask for...she is the best big cousin any little cousin could ask for. She loves her older cousins. She loves her aunts and uncles, she loves her grandparents like nothing else. She has a little bit of a dramatic side (who doesn't). She loves puzzles, loves learning her letters for kindergarten. She can't wait to ride the bus next year (although mom isn't to keen on that idea). She has a contagious laugh, she has a warm smile. She is more beautiful than I could of ever imagined her to be (I could stare at her for hours). She loves movies, she loves painting. She love love loves Volleyball and wants to be a great volleyball player like her aunt one day!
Like I said in the short time of 5 years she has found so many things that make her her -- I am sure I could name more if I my hands weren't getting tired. Happy 5th Birthday to my baby!!! (It was Jan 16 -- I am a little late I know)
1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

5 years

and a beautiful 5 years (please stop time)!