Dear Family and Friends,
Another year has come and gone. It is amazing how much can actually happen even though it feels as if we have no time do anything. We have been very blessed this year in selling out house in a bad market. We are very excited for our future and hope to have our own home again by the end of the summer. Until then my mom has been kind enough to let us stay with her. Here is a catch up on what has been going on with us this past year.
Mitch is still working for my mom at Dance Designs Inc. He is also getting ready for his 5th year of snowmobile racing in the Rocky Mountain Hill climb Association. He has started a blog so family and friends can follow his season. He is playing on a men’s basketball out at Fort Hall and is having a lot of fun with that.
I am still working every other weekend at the hospital doing dispatch for life flight. I love my job and that it allows me to do what I have always wanted to do and that is stay at home with my children. I have loved this last year and what they have taught me. I am finding a new love for baking (not so much cooking though).
Alivia, has matured so much this last year. She is a beautiful 3 year old who will be 4 next month (time flies). She is going to Pre School at Grace Lutheran and is so smart. She amazes us daily. She currently loves Twilight, Barbie’s, Grey’s Anatomy and has decided she wants to be a Heart Surgeon when she grows up. She is healthy and is currently doing so well at her school. Her teacher says she is so polite and is very caring about the other students.
Austin is our quiet man who is slowly becoming alive. He will turn 2 in April. He didn’t start talking much til this past month. His favorite word: FOOTBALL. He loves all sports and loves to go watch his aunt and uncle’s basketball games. He will sit glued watching the players run up and down the court. Austin is a wonderful eater I only point that out because Alivia is so picky so I have enjoyed feeding Austin. He also is a very happy guy. His smile melts our heart even his big sis.
Well that is the update from the Sherman’s –Please follow our blog mitchshermanfamily.blogspot.com we update regularly with our family happenings. We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday wherever you may be~
Love, The Shermans
love reading your blog. Glad 2009 went so well and hoping that 2010 will be just as great
cute picture, you have adoreable kids girlie!
You have the most adorable kids! Fun to read your letter and blog :)
Great update!
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