A common phrase heard in our house is "Austin, what are we going to do with you?" I realized how common it was when I constantly hear Alivia saying also. Here are some reasons why we are not quite sure what to do with him.
He climbs onto the counter gets a cup out of the cupboard and attempts to get his own drink. Although once he gets to the sink he decides its more fun to play with the dishes and dump water back and forth.

He is actually saying "CHEESE" in this picture! He thought he was pretty cute. This was the first time he had pulled this stunt.

This was after the doctors check up. The doctor had grape tounge depressors. Austin thought it was just as good as candy. So much so that when he recieved his real sucker he couldn't decide between the two and just decided to go with both.

This was another time that I was up getting ready in the bathroom. I looked over to check on them cause it was quiet. Liv was doing her usually playing on the computer, Austin was sneaking into the cereal cupboard and quietly eating a second breakfast!

Austin has a new rule that he only gets his "baby" (aka binky) at nap/bed time. Sometimes he struggles with that, but he found a new solution. After getting dressed he was playing with his golf ball and kept saying bed. I really had no idea what he meant. I finally put him in his bed and then he asked for his baby. I just laughed and gave it to him. He played in there for about 20 min and then wanted out. I didn't even have to ask he put his baby on the dresser and went about his day.

This one was while we were getting ready in the morning. I went to go get Alivia and came back and Austin was in the bath. Maybe it was hint I don't know but it entertained him for a good while so i could finish getting myself and Liv ready!

So there that is why we often say "Austin, what are we going to do with you" ----We love this little boy and I cannot believe he is going to 2 next month. He has the sweetest spirit and now that we got rid of the binky he talking up a storm. He is so cute I could hug and kiss him all day -- but he won't let me do that! Well hope you enjoyed the pics!
i couldn't agree more!!!!!!!
Love the adventures he gets himself in
Awesome stories. What a cutie :)
After seeing this post it makes me feel better that my child isn't the only one doing these crazy, random, naughty things ALL the time! I think Austin and Raegyn would be best buddies... AGH! Let the terrible two's begin, right!
He is so adorable and what a fun personality!
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