This is the first year the Sherman family has taken on the endevor to carve pumpkins!I kept thinking back to all that work with the steak knife and not knowing what you were looking at when you were done. But I promised Liv we would do it. I bought one of those cheap kits at Wal Mart -- BEST $5 investment!! It was amazing. We looked like profressionals after we were done!!! Sorry there are not more pics -- I only had the cell phone -- real camera died!

The results:Austins Face -- Liv's Ghost
Mitch's goblin that is supposed to scare the teenagers away
so they won't destroy our master pieces!

My nice little Trick or Treat pumpkin!
That's funny Rosa, because we also did our first pumpkins this year and it was because of Alexander asking... he and Alivia are almost exactly the same age (Alexander will be 5 on January 4th). It's such a nice feeling to have a carved lit pumpkin as part of the seasonal decor - so festive! Yours look AWESOME! I'm impressed! I'm glad I went for it and glad you did too :)
Wow, those turned out awesome!!!
I think I got the same kit, hopefully ours turn out as good as yours!
cool - i'm impressed!
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