Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Happy Birthday McKay
7 years ago today I did one of the hardest things I ever think I will do. I gave birth to a 1 lb baby boy who had already passed on. Mitch and I matured spirtually and emotionally quicker than we expected. We leaned on each other and got through something neither of us was prepared to do. We grew as a person and as a couple. I don't talk about Mckay that often, not because I am ashamed or embarassed but because it something that is special to me. Something that is so cherished and close to me that it is not easy to share. I think about Mckay everyday, I don't think about the boy he would have been, the personality he would have had, who he would of looked like, I think about the peace I felt when I held him in my arm and the beauty that surrounded him. I think about how perfect he was in his mothers arms. I think about an image that is forever frozen in my mind, savoring it and cherishing it until the day my Heavenly Father places him in my arms again. I love the fact that Mitch and I were chosen to be this perfect souls parents and pray that we will return to him again one day. For some reason this year his birthday hit me a little harder than the ones in the past. It may have be that it wasn't til 3 pm that I realized what exactly the day was. I was disappointed in myself that I forgot. This month has been crazy and I have had a lot going on but I feel at peace again. I know it will all work out for the best and I will again hold my perfect little baby boy again one day!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Well there are going to be a lot of changes happening in the Sherman household this month and next. Some our good and some not so good (well not initially). The best news ever is that as of the middle of April sometime we will be living in our new house. It has been a year (+some) in the making and we can't wait. I posted some pictures of the adventure. I tried to post our floor plan but it won't let me. Anyhow we will be out in the quiet country, enjoying the peace and quiet. I am excited!!
(the shop in this picture above is still there and is Mitch's man cave -- It is an oversized 2 car garage with two finished rooms in the back.)
I have had friends ask about the trees and yard. Yes all the trees are still there. We will probably remove some of them. The grass died over the past year -- if we can bring it back we will but we will have all summer to figure out what to do!
Here are some pics Mitch took of the clean up process - it is now a big empty hole -- which is filled with snow!!!

And now for the snow -- we have to remove it all for the contractor to put in a bearing wall and some stairs -- this should be fun!!

Here is the floor plan:

These are pictures of the house that was there previously there. It is actually the house I was raised in. My mom deeded the property to us and we have been going from there. Last summer we removed this house (it didn't go far-- my unlce is now living in it next door). After the move we were left with just a big empty basement that needed gutted.

The plan is to have the house placed on the foundation March 28!!! The builder told us it is usually about a week and half to finish the painting and carpet and siding!! By move the house on I mean we are actually doing a modular home so it is being built as we speak!!
Here is the floor plan:

As for the bad news -- Well I am needing to find a new job. I currently work at Portneuf dispatching life flight. Our program was sold last week and they will now dispatch out of Boise. I was offered a job there but with just building a house in Blackfoot I didn't really see it as a good choice. So I have til April 1 and hope to find something!!
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