Well, I started school this last week, it wasn't as bad as I had expected (not yet at least). My grandma came and stayed with the kids and hasn't quit on me yet. Austin is getting big. He weighed 18 lbs and 27 3/4 inches long at his 4 month check up!!! Alivia is doing good also. She is great big sister (although she is a little bossy at times). She will be starting a creative tots dance class next week. It is a class just for 2 year olds. She is doing the class with her two friends Kamryn and Kylie. We are pretty excited for them. Well I haven't been the greatest on posting pictures and I can't promise anything in the future now that school is back in session, but I will try to keep everyone updated!!!
I know this sounds crazy, but Alivia hates the bath. It is usually a kicking and screaming match to get her in it. Well now that Austin is getting bigger, he has been our bribe to get her in. She loves to help with him. So if I tell her I need help bathing Austin she will do it. She still cries when it comes time to wash her, but we are getting somewhere.

Mitch is very artistic, so I am hoping Alivia will be. I drew the face in the middle. I am sorry I have no artistic ability what so ever.

You can see how much Alivia adores him. Also I don't know if this pictures does it justice, but now do you see who my kids look like! Sorry I couldn't get the next photo to flip. But is so cute of Alivia and Rick!

So this next picture is a cute one of the kids and papa Rick. (Also in this picture you can witness Alivia trying to get Austin to his hand out of his mouth. She is very mothering to him.