Ok-- So I decided not to post anything about this whole endevor in hopes to not ginx it!! Well it is pretty much a done deal so I am going to go against my better judgement and post it -- If it falls through then it falls through.... Alright here it goes....

So once again -- NOW WHAT????? I DON'T KNOW -- But I guess that is the whole idea right!!!

We have SOLD our HOUSE!!!!
I know -- weird huh! Most probably didn't know it was for sale
(unless you drove by and saw the sign in the yard)
Why? Don't really know. Felt like the right time. If you know me well I like change~I kind of like sudden change too~I don't really like to think about (cause then I might talk myself out of it) Although this was not my decsion on my own obvisouly. I think Mitch is just kind of like me just hides it a little better. I said Mitch lets put the house on the market -- We should give it 6 months and then take it off if nothing happens -- He says "ok" I know we are not a good pair when it comes to impulsive decisions. So we have a REALLY REALLY good friend who was more than willing to list it. And low and behold 4 months later SOLD.
So now what? Well I don't know -- why would you ask such a question. We didn't really think it would sale. Although our REALLY REALLY good friend told us it would. Our house is cute -- It has a special something (a special something I am going to miss). So yeah -- well now what -- well I still don't know! Luckily I have a great sister who with some begging and convincing has decided to give up her luscious 2 bedroom basement for her big sister and brother in law and favorite neice and nephew. In other words I guess we are moving back home to my wonderful mother who seems to always have an open door when we need it. Oh did I mention the wonderful in laws that live in Kimberly ID who have been gracious enough to take our dog til we figure out what to do (he doesn't get along well with the wonderful mothers cat)!
Here are some pictures of our beautiful house -- When I have more time I will do a blog totally devoted to our home and the memories we made there!!!

CONGRATS!!! I'm glad you guys sold your house but bummed you are moving back to B-town! Lets plan another game night, K? Let me know what works for you guys.
congrats. good luck. amazing how the Lord works
Congrats on selling... how exciting! Now, I think that you need to move to Utah- how does that sound? There are so many houses for sale in Layton... you said you wanted a change! (j/k) I am sure you will figure something out and it will be great!
How exciting! You will have to let us know what heppens, and what your going to do and everything. I seem to make big choices the same way, that way you don't have to stress about it much. ;-)
Congrats on selling your home in this economy. I hope you got what you wanted out of it. I'm excited to read all about your next adventure.
Congrats Rosa! And I wish you the best of luck where ever the future takes your family!
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