Wow I am so late on doing Austin's Birthday post! He turned 2 last month. I didn't really get excited. I am not ready for him to be two, but he is and he is changing so much. He is finally talking and he is so smart. He loves to mimic his sister. He is her little guinea pig she will instruct him on what to do and he listens. It amazing to watch him take direction. He doesn't say much but he sure does understand. He loves to dance. He has got some amazing moves. He is always makeing us laugh. I love every minute with him. He can drive me crazy but I am cherrishing all the moments good and bad. They just go to quickly. He greets me the same whether it has been 3 hours or 2 minutes. He acts as if I have been gone for an eternity nothing melts my heart like hearing him say Mommy with the cheesiest grin. He is very polite always quick to say Thank you. He loves his big sister and they have become best friends over the past two years. It has been so fun to watch their relationship grow. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past two years. 

Can't believe he his two. Wow! He is so cute. Love all the pictures.
our funny little man!we love him!
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