So it is my second night back to work and I have been thinking of Alivia a lot this week. She is growing up so much. Today Austin was crying and Alivia went to give him the pasaphire. She softly put the binky in his mouth and held it there till he got ahold. Then she let go and it fell out -- Alivia's words "Whoops ~ Sorry baby!" with a little giggle. Then she did it again and he took it this time. Alivia's words "I did it!" then she kissed Austin on the head. It melted my heart. She is becoming such a good big sister and I definently see a bond forming there. In fact the second she hears Austin cry whether from his crib in his room or his bassinet in ours -- She runs for him yelling quietly to herself "baby's crying". She has learned quickly what is acceptable and what is not. Such as bouncing the Dora ball on Austin's head (it was a soft plush ball) but not acceptable, kissing Austin "ONCE at at time" acceptable, grabbing his hand till he cries --not acceptable, softly holding his hand and rubbing it acceptable. Oh I wish everybody could stay at home with us all day and see these little acts they are priceless. Anyhow, here are some pics of Alivia growing up right before our eyes. Bear with me I am at work so I don't have much of a selection, but it will do:

As sad as I am to see my baby girl change daily I love the fact that I get to watch her grow into such a beautiful girl.

She is sooo beautiful! Then again, I thought she was the first day I saw her @ Melissa's shower.
Why Thank You!! That is so sweet.
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