This week the kids and I joined my mom, brother and sister on a trip to Cedar City, Utah to watch my little sisters volleyball team play at the Utah Summer Games. They did really well and played hard! The games were intense and close. It is hard when you think they are the best team out there and come to the big tournments and realize there are a lot of talented teams. There were four teams to watch out for at this tournment. Club V --was seated 1st, Pocatello Elite-(us) was seated second, then vegas blues 3rd and Xtreme (I think a Utah team) was seated 4th. I think there were 8 teams in all not sure though. And they were all very good--- Are team proceeded to take first place and they were so excited!! I am so proud of my sister and how talented she is I look forward to watching her grow in this sport. Here are some pictures to tribute to their hard work. My little sister Sequoia is number 5!!! GOOD JOB ELITE!!
**Now just so you know these pictures are in no particular order.

i think that libero is spelled like that! i am almost positive
it wont let me see any of the pics so you should send them to me!
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