Well, for labor day weekend we decided to step out of the box and do some real camping. Okay -- not "REAL" camping. We headed over to Downatta (for those of you who don't know Downatta is about 45 minutes a way and it has a campground with a naturally heated pool). It was actually a lot of fun!!! It was Mitch, me and the kids, our friends Kelly, Jessie and Kamryn, Mitch's sister Adrienne came down with her kids and then Kristina and Cody came. We camped out for two nights, swam all day Saturday and just enjoyed some time away from home!!!! It was also fun for the kids to spends some time with there cousins and get to know them better. *Sorry this is long but it is mostly pictures!!!

Adrienne, Mitch's older sister.
In the morning Gizmo was shivering, so Hailey (mitch's neice) got him one of her shirts and put it on him to help him warm up!!!
Alivia and Kamryn enjoying a pre breakfast snack. I don't always give her candy before breakfast but we were camping so I figured why not!!!
Alivia and Austin after waking up from our first night. They both did really well. We all shared a sleeping bag (two sleeping bags zipped together) and slept pretty good considering we forgot our air mattress at home. Thanks to Kelly and Jessie they gave us theirs for the second night since they had to leave early!
Adrienne and I have the exact same camera's so Hailey and Abby took what they thought was their mom's camera and went in the tent and took pictures with it. Well it was mine so I got the pictures. I was actually glad they did I got some good pictures from it.
Above is Abby, I think she is 6. Below is Alivia with her favirote new silly face.
Above is Conner, 4 and below is Hailey who is 8.
All day Saturday we spent in the water! It was great it was like bath water. I didn't get a ton of pictures cause I was in the water most of the time too!! We bought this tube for Austin and he loved it, but Alivia liked it more and spent most of her time in it while she was in the pool!
This camping trip was also a first for Austin in eating a graham cracker. He was bored and I forgot most of his toys so we figured why not. Well he loved it and we had to keep them coming....
Cause every time he dropped it or finished it we had this.....
At the end though he was full and messy!! He was also very happy even though you can't tell from this picture!
Aliva got a little dirty herself. I am not sure if she fell on purpose or accident though.
Here are the kids at the end or the camping experience. They were getting bored waiting for the camp to get taken down and put away so we thought we would get some pictures of them.

Here are the grandkids from L to R: Conner (4), Austin (4 Months), Abby (6), Alivia (2 1.5), Hailey (8).
The Girls Hailey, Alivia and Abby!! Alivia was so enthralled with Hailey and Abby she followed them everywhere. She asks for them everyday now.
Here are the boys!! Conner and Austin (soon to be Grayson~Kristina and Cody's baby)
Alivia and Hailey making funny faces and then Mitch taking the tent down to go home. 

Also I had to add this picture in. I know Alivia is only 2 but she is going to start dance on Monday with Kamryn and Kylie two of her best friends. It is called creative tots and it is just for two year olds.So anyhow we took her to get her dance shoes for her new dance class she is so excited.

just a little corection abby turned 7 in July!! i love ths pics!!
hey this is lindsey rasmussen (brady's wife..). I found your blog through Jessie's. Your kids are soo cute! Looks like you guys had a fun camping trip!
It looks like you had a ton of fun without us! You will definetly have to call when you are down this way... we could do lunch or something. Let me know-
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