Alivia asks me daily when she wakes up if it has snowed. And daily I tell her yes...but only in the mountains. She is then disappointed. So today I got off work and carefully drove to Fred Meyers and bought these....
Cause guess what she gets to wake up to,
**I know it is not a lot, but it is enough to satisfy a 3 year old girl who has been waiting and waiting for this wonderful white stuff we call SNOW!

O I am so excited to come home and have snow!! I wish I was there I would help alivia make snow angels!
My kids were thrilled too. We had to get out all last years stuff to see if it fit.
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas in Idaho... yah for snow, right? Not really... thanks for the encouragement! It has been a rough couple of months! We would love to have you down sometime... I have never met Mitch. I'll send you a facebook message with my number, what a bummer about the phone! Talk to ya later...
I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!! come see me - cute blog pic - do i get one??
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