Reunion Time. This last weekend we went to Eden Utah (wolf Creek) for Mitch's family reunion! It was so much fun. Mitch's mom is #5 of 11 children whom were all there. Then there were tons of grandkids and great grandkids. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and get to know new ones.

She is armed and loaded. This was quite fun to watch. They had marshmallow guns for the kids to play with. Alivia's marshmallows didn't go far but she still had fun.

Alivia also enjoyed making herself a visor with a fish and pretty flowers.....

along with a gorgeous bracelet.

Mitch enjoyed shooting marshmallows at passer byers. I think the adults had a little too much fun with the marshmallow guns!

And during this fun day at the reservoir Austin spent most of the day doing what he does best!

After the fun filled day we headed back to our beautiful condo's and took some family pictures than headed to the pool before dinner time. It took Austin a little getting used to!

Alivia however jumped right into the kiddy pool and swam like an old pro!!

Mitch took Austin to the big pool and he loved it. His swim diaper was so big that it just floated so Mitch held his head and Austin just relaxed !

Here is are little family ! Alivia wasn't happy cause it was time to get out and go to dinner.

The reunion was fun and unfortunately I forgot my camera a lot. So those are about all the pictures I had. It was so much fun to see all of Mitch's family and there was a lot!!! Until next time!!
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