On our way home from the reunion we made a few pit stops. One being this gorgeous waterfall and then other Lagoon.
Here is Alivia on the cars. She loved this and did it twice. She loves to drive and is always told No, but this time she had full control (or so she thought)!

The swings were Alivia's favirote ride We went on them twice. The first time I was nervous since it was Alivia's first time ever on a ride--It was fast and I kept worrying. Who was I kidding I was prepared to yell to the attentendant when needed but Alivia proved me wrong and loved it. She was all smiles and kept yelling hold on tight mommy (which was what I was repeating over and over before the ride started)!!!
This was Austin the majority of the day. It was quite hot so we got rid of his clothes and just let him relax in a diaper. He loved it.
Well that is the end of our vaction that was of course like always way toooo short. So until next time.

After a little photo op -- we headed over to Lagoon. Cody's bright idea. We all had a blast though. I was a little hesitant payin 21.95 for a 2 year old to go to a big theme park. I didn't think Alivia would even give the rides a chance but she proved me wrong. She had a great time and enjoyed
Austin too enjoyed himself. He kicked back in the wagon and just went along for the ride. As long as he was fed when asked he didn't complain to much.

Rosa, it's been a long time! Your kids are darling! Thanks for the comment about my nursing covers, I was thinkin gabout $20.
I love lagoon! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!!! Ahh, I love summer!
That is so gorgeous down there. Don't ya love family reunions. You look like your doing really good. Your kids are real cute.
I so want to take Noah to Lagoon after seeing your cute kids there! SO FUN!
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