Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Moon
My bestfriends, Shamae and Jessie bought tickets to the new moon premiere party. We have been waiting (not so patiently) for the big night. It was a lot of fun, it was full of laughing, ooh and ahhing and a little bit of blushing. We cannot wait til Elcipse!
Playing Cullen Baseball
Shamae at bat ....
Pictures from last years party click here.
Late Post
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Moon!
I have been waiting patiently...but I am soooooo EXCITED!!! Tonight I am going to a big premiere party and then onto the movie to see NEW MOON (I know it actually premeired yesturday --but this was easier for me saved me waiting in line in the cold, but I get free stuff and lots of food)!! I went to the Twilight party last year and it was totally worth it---This year it is supposed to be bigger and better!! Pictures will follow soon!!!! (i feel like a crazed teenager --)

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Alivia asks me daily when she wakes up if it has snowed. And daily I tell her yes...but only in the mountains. She is then disappointed. So today I got off work and carefully drove to Fred Meyers and bought these....
Cause guess what she gets to wake up to,
**I know it is not a lot, but it is enough to satisfy a 3 year old girl who has been waiting and waiting for this wonderful white stuff we call SNOW!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
for Mama Mia fans . . .
Last night Alivia went to the movie with her cousins and grandma. When she got home I asked her how it was. She said good. Then I asked what she did after the movie -- she said:
"we went to the beach, We danced at the beach and . . ."
She is the best I love that she can make me laugh!
My 1st Button
I added a button on the left under friends. It is indeed my first button. Click it and enjoy!!! I sure have!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween 2009
This year was not that exciting of a halloween for us. We didn't get to decorate due to the move so we never really got into the true spirit fo halloween. But we did make the best of it. Alivia was Island Princess. Although she was set out to be Jasmine since May but we couldn't find her costume. We think it is in a box that went to storage.

Even Austin did a few games!
This is a cute little pumpkin Liv made at pre school -- I was a dummy and forgot to take a picture of it when she brought it home. So I took this a few days later and the paint had started to chip. It was cute and our only halloween decor we had this year!

This is actually my moms house. We had just left, but new she was dying her hair so we thought we would ring the doorbell and make her answer it with all the dye in her hair. It was funny-- she would have killed me if I put a picture of it though!
This is are old neighbors house. Alivia told her she would go trick or treat there so we made it one of our stops. Then I was off to work.
Friday before Halloween I took the kids to Liv's school carnival. Both kids had a lot of fun!
Here they are -- Island princess and spiderman the fireman (or as we decided in the end a little nacho libre).
Here is the island princess showing off her beauty. I got her all dalled up so she could go trick or treating with a friend since I had to work. Well she hung out with Mitch and handed out candy to the trick or treaters. It must have wore her out. She left with her friend and returned 2 minutes later cause she was too tired to trick or treat. Oh well. She still made out good.

Before I went to work we took the kids to a few houses so I could see them trick or treat.
This is actually my moms house. We had just left, but new she was dying her hair so we thought we would ring the doorbell and make her answer it with all the dye in her hair. It was funny-- she would have killed me if I put a picture of it though!
Here is a cute picture of Austin sporting grandma's shades!
See ya later!

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