The Twilight party has come on and gone. I am looking forward to the next one. Mecinna Price arranged this event and it was a hit. We had so much fun and I will be returning next year for New Moon!!! I went to this fun event with Jessie , Corrine and my little sister Sequoia. We had so much fun -- It was nice to be out with just the girls and to of course act like girls!!!

Here we are at the party -- sporting our fangs!!!! ( Corrine, Me , Jessie and Sequoia) Here we are on the way to the movie in

Here we are on the way to the movie -- we can barely contain our excitement.

And now what you have all been waiting for (I am sure of it) Did I like the movie? Well I am going to have to say NO. Why you might ask -- well there are lots of reason but here is the main one: I LOVED IT!!!! I know corny right -- well that is what i am I am cheesy and corney and I went in to the movie knowing that no matter what I would like it. I did not compare it with the book in any way because there is no way you could make a book that good into a movie. There would be way to much detail! After the movie Jessie and I decided that there is no way we would let our husbands watch this movie though-- They would tear it apart and ruin it for us!!!

P.S. I brought a souvenir from the party for you:

I loved the movie too! That party sounds like fun. Cant wait for New Moon!!
What a fun party!! Im jealous, I went with Aaron and I don't think he liked it at all, he kept asking me questions the whole movie...IM like just watch!!!
Looks like fun! I can't wait to see the movie. It's a different story for Jake. He doesn't want to pay that much money for a LAME movie.
Wow lets be best friends. but i must warn you EDWARD BELONGS TO ME!!! ha ha, godda love the obsession. this blog was amazing:)
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