Sorry these are a little late. Alivia had a wonderful birthday. It was filled with lots of friends and family (some surprise visitors too)! She was spoiled.

Her birthday was on Friday and so we actually just went to lunch with grandma Cindy and Kristina to celebrate that day. Here are some pictures of her and Austin right before we went.

Then that night Alivia and I went and saw Madagascar 2 for her birthday--she had a lot of fun!
On Saturday we just did party preparations all day and that night we had so much fun! Thanks to everyone who made it!

Here is Alivia with her friends Kamryn and Kylie (it was also Kylie's birthday)

Grandma Cindy, Grandma Letty and Abby

Cody with Hailey and Grayson

Papa Rick with our surprise visitor Uncle Paul from CDA (Spencer and Cory came too)



Little brother Austin having fun at his big sisters party

Jessi and Kelly enjoying their cupcakes!