Well we have already had all the excitment one year can hold. Below you will see an x-ray we had done after Alivia was so kind to share her money (dime) with Austin. Yes -- he swallowed it and it was stuck.
It was stuck right on the top of his esophogus and was not moving. They were worried if it was left there for to long it would burn a hole in his esophogus. So after waiting in the ER at Portneuf for awhile it was determined that he would need to go to SLC to have it removed. So Austin and mom loaded up in the ambulance and made the longest journey ever to SLC. We arrived there about 2:30 am. They ran a metal detector over him to make sure the dime hadn't moved and it hadn't. Then the radiologist took him and placed him under x-ray (tied down =( ) They stuck a small catheter up his nose which led down to his esophagus and then pushed the dime into his stomach. So now we are paitently waiting for him to poop the dime out. Which they assume will take 3-5 days. He was a good sport through all of this and didn't complain to much!!! Now we are all home and happy!!

Sounds like you guys had quite the experience. That would scare me to death. I am glad that everything went smoothly though!
Wow. Glad everything worked out okay. That can be so scarry. One time Daniel swallowed a peice of off my mom's mixer. That was awful. My mom was able to get it out though.
Sorry that you had to go threw that! I am glad he is okay what a little trooper and such a happy little guy.
Alivia stayed the night with us and the first thing she said when she woke up was "is Austin all better?"
LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture! I want one for my desk!
Wow, that is one expesive dime. I hope you keep it.
Happy New Year!
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