For fathers day we went to Blackfoot to visit my grandpa's! It was a lot of fun. We bbq'd and just enjoyed being around all of our family. On our way home we stopped at papa mike's and Alivia ended up going on her first horse ride. She was grinning from ear to ear, she was so excited. She was a little hesitant at first, she walked out to pet the horse and Mike lifted her up, neither of us expected a ride. Luckily I had a camera in the car to capture the moment.
Here is Alivia with Midnight.
Here she is getting to know the horse a little
So I can't get the stupid video to post. So I will do it seperate later. Mitch says its to big to do through the blog so I put it on you tube. But now what????
Thats so cute and fun!
That is so cute. A little girl and her horse. It's the stuff girls dream about. :)
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