Mitch's sisters and I decided to take the kids to the pool since it was supposed to be 80's and mostly sunny all day. Not sure why we thought the weather man knew what he was talking about. After being there for a couple hours, the lightening set in and it rained us out, so we went home and bbq'd then tried again and went for evening at the pool.
Austin and Grayson -- Spent most there time in the kiddy pool and enjoyed it ... all though you can't really tell by the look on Grayson's face
I love this picture of Grayson and Austin. It looks like Austin is tell Grayson a good story! Wish I knew what they were saying!
Hailey, Abby and Kristina waiting in line for the slide!
Connor enjoying the water!
All in all it was a pretty fun day and we are hoping we will get more sunshine as this summer continues!!!
you are a good aunt!! cute pics of everyone :-)
oh yeh, like your new wallpaper, are you in anticipation?
Cute pics, it looks like you guys had fun.....We should all go to the pool sometime soon now that we are having some sunshine.
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