It's kind of blurry but did you notice it is not the midnight showing it is actually a 9 pm showing -- I am so special I know!!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!
To see post from previous premiere nights click here for Twilight and here for New Moon
So I can't get the stupid video to post. So I will do it seperate later. Mitch says its to big to do through the blog so I put it on you tube. But now what????
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t39-WAqgVC0All in all it was a pretty fun day and we are hoping we will get more sunshine as this summer continues!!!
Well two mornings later Mitch was doing Liv's hair for Gym and I had just laid down to get a couple of hours in before Austin was up. Then I hear Liv shreik that she saw a mouse. Not really shriek with fear more with excitement. Here is a picture with the real mice catchers. I cannot believe Mitch got them to sit for this picture. They are not my kids. I would have been a mile a way had I been there -- ugh!